2025 Wednesday League
Wednesday League starts April 16th
Cherokee Run will be hosting a weekly 9-hole league through October. The format each week will be Dog Fight points. Players who do not already have a valid GSGA/GHIN handicap are strongly encouraged to use Cherokee Run as their established home course and sign up for a handicap prior to the league’s first day of competition on April 16th. Those without valid handicaps are still urged to sign up for a handicap, although they may already have a point’s quota in our data base. Each week, point’s quotas will be adjusted to a 9-hole format. Example: If a player has a point’s quota that is established at 28, his quota for the first week of league play will begin at 14. Points are adjusted weekly based of the player’s performance. Points will be adjusted by the following format: +/- 0 or 1, no change in point’s quota for the following week. +/- 2, points will be adjusted by one depending on if the player was positive or negative to his quota. +3 or more, the player’s points will be adjusted by two points. Play begins after 12:00PM.
Please visit or call our golf shop for more information.
Tuesday 2 person Scramble!
Coming in May 2025
We are excited to host a weekly 2-person, 9-hole scramble with a 5:30 PM shotgun start! Grab a partner and make sure your USGA handicap is activated. Reservations are required each week to participate. To sign up, please call or stop by the golf shop. Cost each week will be $50.00 for non-members, $35.00 for Cherokee Run Members. Fees include gross and net winners, and gross and net skins.